A core mission of #makelawbetter: to bring the tools, methods, and mindsets of innovation to bear and make law better across the spectrum of the legal profession.
An early point in this spectrum is the licensure process for lawyers. Right now, the vast majority of lawyers are required to take a bar exam to become licensed attorneys.
And, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we are learning even more about how woefully out of touch the lawyer licensing process is with the 21st century. The many inadequacies and inequalities of the current antiquated process are being revealed as states bend over backwards to preserve the status quo in this moment.
One offensive and ridiculous inequality? The prohibition on bringing menstrual products into the bar exam. Yes, some states really do ban these product. It appears other states also regulate their use in some way with regards to disclosure and packaging (e.g. GA).
No defensible reason exists to ban menstrual products during the bar exam. This practice must end.
You can join the growing chorus of voices in support of the menstrual product ban by SIGNING THIS LETTER to the National Conference of Bar Examiners via THIS FORM by 6:00 pm ET today, Monday, July 20, 2020. The letter was written by law professors and menstrual justice advocates Liz Cooper, Margaret Johnson, and Marcy Karin.
And, a group of #makelawbetter innovators have joined forces to create a #barpocalypse army to promote existing resources and create additional tools for those who want to advocate for state board of bar examiners and supreme courts to adopt diploma privilege for 2020 bar examinees. Stay tuned!
If you want to contribute to the #barpocalyspe army effort, ping me.